Christina Stokes

Summer office manager at camp crosspoint

Iā€™m writing today to invite you to partner with me this summer as I minister to kids at Camp Crosspoint. On May 30th, 2 and a half weeks after I graduate from Truett McConnell University, I will head back home to Pelham, Georgia to spend 8 weeks pointing campers to Jesus through my role as a summer staff member office manager. Camp Crosspoint exists to give students in kindergarten through 8th grade the opportunity to enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ if they do not have one and to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ if they do. Every student who spends a day, a weekend or a full week at camp is invited to Know God and His story, Live what they learn from the Bible daily, Love God and others, and Lead others to Christ. I have spent many summers at Camp Crosspoint, and I am thankful and blessed to call each person there my family. Through my job as office manager, I will help with more of the behind-the-scenes aspects that help run camp smoothly for both campers and counselors. As the other staff and I prepare for this summer we ask for two things.

First and foremost, we ask for prayer. Please pray for good health for all counselors and campers that step foot onto campus. Pray that as counselors and summer staff have the wisdom and confidence to share the Gospel with campers. Secondly, because this is a self-supported position, each Summer Staff member has been asked to raise $2,200. The goal is to have these funds raised by June 1st, however I can still receive donations throughout the summer. Any amount raised over $2,200 will be used at the discretion of Camp Crosspoint Staff to fund this incredible ministry. Would you prayerfully consider giving a gift of $50, $150 or $275 toward my goal? These amounts would cover one day, three days or one week respectively. Of course, any amount the Lord leads you to give is the right amount. Thank you for considering partnering with me in this way. I cannot wait to see how God moves in and through me this summer!

You can also mail a check, payable to Ambassadors Ministries with Christina Stokes in the memo line to Ambassadors Ministries at PO Box 7758, Tempe, AZ, 85281.