God has called you to his work and has brought others into the fold to engage with your mission and vision. We have been there and we want to help. Scroll down to learn more about our 5 unique partnership opportunities and next steps:
Established Churches
No matter how long your church has been in operation, Ambassadors can help you expand your reach and your care of your community. Perhaps you’re really needing to hire a students pastor but the funds just aren’t there. Dream about who you might be able to add to your team, and we’ll work with you to help turn that need into a reality. Being able to say yes to a new ministry, or having the ability to finally give the necessary attention to the one you currently have will breathe fresh life into your established church, your staff, and the work you do.
Church Plants
We want to partner with church planting pastors, staff, and launch teams to help your new endeavor flourish. There are many things that must be tended to in the early years of planting, doing them all on a tight budget is not easy. Oftentimes, this means you are overworked and understaffed. Ambassadors can help in these formative times as you navigate a smaller budget by providing a way for planters and motivated leaders to bring in much-needed financial support, freeing them to give more time to the mission of starting a new local church.
Perhaps your call is to start a church in a neighborhood or context where your expected tithes and offerings will more than likely never fully cover your expenses. Ambassadors can help you keep your eyes focused on the gospel work at hand by commissioning those called to your vision and providing them a way to be paid.
“Ambassadors Ministries helped me get started in ministry and to work alongside the church plant I was a part of. I got to work for my church but wasn’t able to be fully paid for by the church because of its demographics. I believe Ambassadors was a way that God provided for my family, as well as for our church family. I am thankful for Ambassadors Ministries.”
Gospel-Centered Nonprofits
We realize the great work that is happening all across our world through faithful followers of Christ in the nonprofit sector. The work you do is an invaluable piece of the mission of God in our world. Much like many local churches, funds to maintain, let alone grow the work you are in, are often scarce. Bringing on additional staff seems daunting, sometimes impossible. Perhaps you know of many who would love to serve in your ministry full-time or part-time. Ambassadors can help you mobilize them and their network of support to join you in the work you do.
Have an explicitly Christian mission
Value the local church as we do
Have mission staff who need a team of financial partners to enable their ministry
International Missions
We know the church goes well beyond the borders of the United States. For 2000 years, God has raised up men and women to go to the ends of the earth to proclaim the good news. We want the local church to never give up on this mission. Do you have individuals or couples that are feeling called to the nations? Ambassadors has the systems in place to provide financial oversight to the missionaries that often add an extra layer of stress and complexity to a local church budget.
Are equipped, sent, cared for, and accountable to a sending church or ministry
May need to interact with Ambassadors ministries and support-raising in different ways depending on the nature of their missionary work
Local Mission
“Every member a minister”. You have probably heard this quote before. The Church is comprised of the called people, each equipped with various gifts for the glory of God, and the witness of his Kingdom. We believe God is raising up men and women to proclaim the gospel in all places, to all ages, at all times. This means some of our partners have launched new ministries of discipleship and evangelism from the marketplace to the university. Want to start an evangelistic ministry to your campus? A sports ministry to your community? What dream has God given you? Let us help.
Are equipped, sent, cared for, and accountable to a sending church or ministry
Are creative. No idea is too crazy.